Spinach Baked Eggs

Last weekend I did something I'd never thought I was ever going to. I cooked. Well not literally cos the oven did but hey at least it was a stepping stone (; I mean the least thing that I am cable of making is scramble eggs or a sunny side up. Next year I'll be entering the 20s might as well start now right. I stumbled upon this recipe from one of my favorite Youtube channel - Leaf TV. They give you easy-to-do recipes and I personally love the way they edit their videos. Other than food, they also do diys, fashion styling and even decorating your interiors. So what did I made? I chose to do their take on Arugula Baked Eggs but switched the arugula to spinach for personal preference. It turned out really tasty. It's light yet fulfilling and a great way to spice things up every now and then. I'd usually opt for salad with an egg anyway so why not combine all and bake them. If you're looking for a simple hearty meal try them out I promise you won't be dissapointed + you'll only need small amount of time and not much ingredient. 
Hope you like this!


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